Thoughts Become Your Reality, Choose Only The Good Ones

Thoughts Become Your Reality, Choose Only The Good Ones
Welcome to Thoughts Become Your Reality...
This is a great opportunity to start living the life of your dreams. Stop living a life by default and begin to design your life. Yes, you heard me right, you can design the life of your dreams based on the thoughts you choose to allow into your mind.
It's a journey, we are not talking about magic pills. We are talking about learning the skills to stop running our lives on "auto-pilot" and start to determine what is it that we want in our life and keep the kind of thinking that it`s in alligment with it
I'm sure you want joy, happiness, prosperity, good health, great relationships, the good things in life I mean, but if you take a hard look at your life you may be running into some difficulties right now and that is discouraging.
You know, living the life of your dreams is not meant to just some :"lucky few`, NO, it`s your birthright and responsability. We were all created equal and therefore we all have access to the same resource to have the life we want. And you know what is that unlimited resource, OUR THINKING.
Yep, you`ve heard it, you are what you think. And that cannot be further from the truth. What you think attracts the conditions and circumstances in your life. Believe mes, this is not not some ultra metaphisics talk, it`s the absolute truth.
You know, positive and negative thoughts are nothing but vibrational energy and since we are all pure energy we tend to attract the kind of energy that our thinking creates. Positive toughts vibrate at a higher energy than negative ones, thus the energy we attract is different and that reflects on our conditions and circumstances, meaning in our lives.
Nobody makes $ 50,000.00 US year because they want to make $ 50 K a year, they do so because they don`t know how to make $ 100,000 or $ 250,000 a year, and that is determined by our conditioned thinking since childhood.
You see, during the first 4 or 5 years of our lives we had no conscious mind, only sub-conscious mind being feed by our care takers (parents, siblings, close relatives, teachers, etc.) and the kind of thinking they conditioned our minds with was based on their very own conditions and circumstances.So, if they grew up poor , what kind of thoughts do you think they feed us with, `life is hard``, `money doesn`t grow on trees`, etc. you know the drill. And that applies not just to money but to everything in our lives, happiness, relationships, the kind of education we receive, etc.
Bottom line is, if you take a close look at your current life and there are some recurring patterns, is not because there is something wrong with you, is your thinking and most importantly your paradigms or patterns of thinking, of which I will talk about on further posts
So, to finish up for today, allow me to give you some bad and good news. The bad is that your life is a reflection of your mind, the good is that all of that CAN be changed, but only if you are willing to do your homework. As I said before, we are not talking magic pills here. The fact that your thoughts become your reality is just a natural law as the law of relativity, it always works no matter what. The good thing is that you don`t even need to understand how it works, just to learn the specifics and make that law work for you since the universe is just waiting for your instructions to connect the dots and start reflecting the kind of life you want.
Training and managing your mind is the most important skill you could ever know, in terms of happiness and success in all areas of your life.
Until next time,
P.S. keep this mantra in your mind constantly THOUGHTS BECOME YOUR REALITY, CHOOSE ONLY THE GOOD ONES