There is More to Life Then News, Weather and Sports My Friends

Not long ago a retired news anchor reminded me that the news is just what it is and nothing more, it is a pretend world of carefully chosen events making up a created reality, one which straddles between the status quo of perceived realities and current trends that are or interest or ironic in nature. But what is news really? And why do we put news personalities at the top of our celebrity lists?

The reason I ask is I met this gentleman in the Jacksonville Beach area, if you are familiar with the area, I was in Ponte Vedra Beach Country Club. The older gentleman was an older National TV Anchor Man, one I did not recognize, he was very surprised I did not recognize him or his name. We both decided it was because it was before my time. He was apparently quite famous in the 60s and 70s and said that my parents would surely know his name and told me to ask them.

Now we find a dear friend to many and TV Anchor man has died named; Tim Russert. It seems we have elevated his status in our minds because he is familiar and on our TV Sets always interviewing famous people. Many say he as a great reporter, but why do we see greatness this way. I mean there are several "Great Accountants" but they never get the same notoriety or fame? Why is that? Because they are not on TV talking to the rich and famous?

Do we assume that those who are reporters, TV Anchors or news celebrities to be better than all of us? Because if we were in the same profession who is to say we might not have done a better job or had better observation skills. Tim Russet appears to be a genuine nice guy from all the reports on TV about him after his very young and tragic death, but think how many other people died that week in the US and we didn't even hear about them, while Tim Russert had countless hours of coverage for more than a week.

What Is Your Reality

For years I have heard various people after having returned from and enjoyed a great vacation, an inspiring talk with friends concerning future hope of fulfilling their fondest hopes, dreams and desires, future potential etc. end their conversation with, "Well, back to reality!"

Have you ever shared with someone some of your fondest hopes and dreams, I mean really poured your heart out to them explaining in detail what it is that you would just love to accomplish or experience and have the conversation end with this dis-empowering statement?

Do you allow yourself to engage in or be exposed to such limiting and destructive dialogue? Have you bought into the idea that in reality life is designed to be endured rather than enjoyed and that only the "Lucky Few" are enabled to acquire and enjoy the many luxuries available. Have you conceded to a reality picture of continuous struggle and settling for just "getting by" in the various areas of your life?

If so I have some exciting, eye opening and empowering news for you.

The real truth concerning reality, YOUR reality, is that it is and will continue to be whatever that you perceive it to be. Let me put it another way. Your reality picture, the experiences that you encounter from day to day in your life are a direct reflection of what you perceive and believe reality to be. Do you doubt that?

Let's take a look at what might have happened or not happened had that been the attitude of some of the greatest inventors and explorers in history.

Think for a moment if Christopher Columbus had allowed his mind to settle for such an attitude. Consider if you will what might have happened if Thomas Edison had allowed himself to get caught up in this way of thinking. What might have been or not been if the Wright brothers had allowed themselves to be affected by the outside influence of these pessimistic types? I could mention thousands whose contribution to the world if not followed through on and who might have "gotten back to reality" would have you experiencing a far different world than what you are able to experience today.

What is the difference between these shapers of history and you? Did they not have 2 arms and legs, a mind, and a physical brain just like you? Were they not just mere men? With that being the case what sets them apart from the rest of the worlds population? Quite simply, their reality picture consisted of their ability to create and do what others had not previously done. Their perception of what was possible is what empowered and enabled them to act on and achieve what is now considered and remembered as some of the greatest discoveries in the history of the world. And so it came to be.

Had these forward thinkers allowed their minds to conceive such incredible creations and then suddenly, due to a constricting and limiting internal reality picture thought, "Awe, that's just a pipedream. Oh well back to reality" the world would not enjoy and experience many of the things that it currently enjoys. Reality, YOUR reality, just as it was with these forward thinkers of past history, is and will continue to be precisely what you perceive, allow and enable it to be.

Sadly, the "Perceived reality" of the majority is much more constricting and limiting than REAL reality. The "Real Reality" is that you were created in the image and likeness of the Creator, whatever you may perceive that to be. You possess the ability to achieve whatever you can conceive. Real reality is not based on any form of lack and limitation, doubt, fear, and anxious moments. These are only perceptions, life draining and disempowering illusions of those who don't fully understand and grasp the limitless potential that they have been provided and have the ability to fulfill if only they would shift their perception of what their true reality consists of and enables them to accomplish.

If you believe that money is hard to come by and that you must work hard long hours at a job that displeases you to earn what you need for survival, your reality picture will reflect exactly that.

If you believe that the relationships that you are involved in require constant work in order to remain healthy, your reality picture will reflect exactly that.

If you believe that your health is determined only by hereditary conditions and you fear acquiring an ailment or disease that has been passed down through your ancestors from generation to generation your reality picture will reflect exactly that.

Your experience in the external world is merely a reflection of and in direct proportion to the continuous internal dialogue that you allow to go on within you. To change your reality in the physical world, you only need to change your perception of what reality is.

You are a creator of circumstance. Your reality picture in the external world is created and only limited by what you believe to be true. Your outcomes in the external world are a direct reflection of the internal thought processes going on within you. That is the REAL reality. Modern day science has proven it and spiritual teachers have taught it for thousands of years. Contrary to the beliefs of the mass majority, you are not a victim of circumstance but instead a creator of circumstance. You are not the victim of a series of capricious circumstances which appear to just happen from minute to minute but instead the creator of each and every event, condition and circumstance that happens in your life.

You, whether you choose to believe and accept it or not are personally and directly responsible for the outcomes in your life. Your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions of the past are being lived out and experienced by you in the present. If you choose to begin to change that which you currently find unpleasant then it is necessary to change the inner workings within yourself which are attracting them and manifesting them in physical form.

Regardless of what you may currently perceive reality to be the REAL REALITY is that you can Be, Do, and Have anything that you choose to create for yourself. The life that you are currently experiencing and the life that is available to you is under your control. You only need to learn to properly utilize the free will that has been provided to you and choose to create a different reality for yourself.

How exactly do you do that? The first major step is changing your mind regarding what reality is.

I fully understand that what you may have been taught throughout your life may seem to conflict with this truth. If that is the case with you then I strongly encourage you to begin seeking out for yourself the real truth concerning who you are and what you are capable of becoming. By doing so you will soon discover the life enhancing power that this truth holds. Your life as well as your current circumstances will shift dramatically and you will finally become empowered to create the life that you dream of experiencing. Shift your perception of reality and your reality will change. What you perceive truth to be on the inside is precisely what you will experience on the outside.

Discover the truth concerning who and what you TRULY are. Develop an understanding of the unwavering process of creation and begin to plant the seeds that will grow into your most sought after and deepest desires and you will begin to experience and reap the rewards of your newfound power.

Fear is an illusion. Limitation is an illusion. Lack is an illusion. They only exist and persist because you enable and allow them to. Your perception of them and focus on them is what feeds them and allows them to grow. Abundance is all their is. What are you experiencing an abundance of?

What do you perceive your current reality to be? Whatever it is I can assure you that 100% of the time without fail that your current experiences in life are and will continue to reflect precisely that. If you are not currently experiencing abundance and happiness in each and every area of your life, change your perception of what reality is and you will change the events, conditions and circumstances that you are currently experiencing.

Costanza Theory Applies to News, Too

One of the all-time great Seinfeld shows is an episode in which fictionalized character George Costanza (played by Jason Alexander) and Jerry Seinfeld meet with NBC executives to pitch an idea for a new television sitcom.

George's concept is that the show should be about "nothing."

That, of course, is what most people think the real Seinfeld television series was all about, a show where the humor was found within the idiosyncrasies of the characters, and not so much in an underlying storyline. Entire shows were centered on the characters going out to dinner or to the movies.

In one episode, George proposes his idea for a sitcom to NBC executives, and when he's pressed by the network President to describe a typical storyline, George remains adamant that the show is to be about "nothing."

Finally, the network president rhetorically asks that if there's no storyline, "why am I watching?" George replies, "Because it's on TV."

The President responds, "Not yet", but George's theory that people will watch, "because it's on TV", isn't far off the mark, and it's being played out in real life every day on 24/7 cable news networks.

There was a time when most of the country lived on farms or in rural areas where there were plenty of chores that needed to get done and those things took up a lot of family time. They were necessities, not leisure activities, and they had to be done every day.

Those included shoveling coal into the furnace, clearing the driveway after a snow storm, feeding livestock, mending fences, maintaining the house and property, and preparing family meals, mostly from scratch. These things consumed large portions of the day, and there wasn't much time for television.

With the advent of progress, things are different today and while everyone seems to be on the "go", in reality there is a lot of downtime for most families. Lifestyles are centered inside the home and the focus is on home entertainment and not so much being outside with chores.

A majority of people now live in suburban style neighborhoods and communities, apartments and town houses, where maintaining a small plot of grass or garden is considered a major weekend project.

In a world of 194 countries and 7 billion people (310 million the United States) there is an overabundance of people, protests, governments, sports and entertainment, pop culture, and political activities. This is a gold mine of world "nothingness" for cable television and news media outlets to report on, and beam into homes 24 hours a day.

We are continually being told that political demonstrations in the state of Wisconsin or elsewhere are just as relevant to people who pay taxes in Pennsylvania, Maryland, or South Carolina.

The same thing can be said about the ongoing rebellions in the Middle East. While the United States consumes only a fraction of Libya's oil production (2 percent) we are constantly being bombarded with dire consequences if the civil unrest isn't resolved soon and in a certain way that benefits the U.S.

All this makes for great television and it's produced in "game day" style so we can easily keep score and determine who is up and who is down in each circumstance.

This electronic entertainment process knows no bounds, making it very difficult to remember last week's news event, or the lasting impact it was reportedly going to have on our daily lives.

History has shown that we will survive every catastrophic event, and the effects of the hype are usually more disconcerting than the ultimate result and reality. We also know that another major news event is right around the corner.

The essence of Seinfeld is there's not much new going on in everyday life that will make us laugh - the humor lies in the actions and reactions of the characters in those routine circumstances.

Fictionalized character George Costanza theorized that people will watch a sitcom "because it's on television", and in his mind, that was reason enough for NBC executives to accept his idea for a show.

The Costanza theory applies to news, too.

Altering the Command Station of Reality

Let's break down reality. You're in your car and the radio is playing. The song that's playing is by no means your fact you pretty much hate it. The sound that you're hearing is REALITY. You'd be stupid if you took a hammer and started beating your speakers because you didn't want to hear the song anymore. The speakers have nothing to do with the selection of the song that is playing. The sound you are hearing isn't the problem either. It is only the effect of the signal from the station the radio is tuned to. To change the song, you change what station you're tuned to.

The physical is only a reflection of what's going on in our brains, so reality is only an effect of our conditioning. Why is it that someone who is very successful can lose everything he has, to the point of being homeless, and still gain it all back? Yet he that is unsuccessful can't seem to get anywhere? Notice they both may be homeless. It's their conditioning...their mindsets.

The good news is that change is completely possible, even though it is difficult and takes time. The bad news is that most people will choose not to do anything about it because it's unfamiliar territory. Of course it is. There's a mechanism in the brain called the psycho-cybernetic mechanism, that is responsible for keeping you on track to what you believe is safe. Here's the key: The brain only let's us see what our conditioning is looking for. It's the way the brain is designed. It can work for our desires, or against them.

The first step in changing your reality is to create a dream. Then, the objective is to make this dream a goal, because real goals are a point of destination for our brains. To do this, you must get very clear on your dream. Figure out exactly what you want, how many, and how you want it. Figure out also what you're willing to give in exchange for this dream. You must be very exact because the brain operates only on super precise direction. Write it down. All of it. There is a scientific reason for that too.

Now you have come up with the dream. To better understand how to set it as a goal, understand that something that is "SET" or a "SETTING" doesn't vary. It doesn't change, but stays fixed on its position. The thing you are aiming to set, is your determination. It must be set so strongly that there is no chance that it can shift from its mark. This is regardless of the person, circumstance or thing that may try to get in the way. Only then is something a goal.

This has now become a declarative goal and is part of explicit memory system, which is part of the conscious mind. We need to move this goal to the implicit memory system, part of the subconscious mind, because that's where our conditioning is.

Your ability to focus on this goal every morning, throughout the day, and at night before bed, is part of how this transition happens. The thoughts that you focus on consistently and with feeling, begin to get imprinted onto the subconscious mind. You must pretend like you already have your dream. By pretending, we access this area of the subconscious mind.

Feelings/emotions are particularly strong existing neural networks on your subconscious mind, that when activated, they become "sticky" and allow content within you thoughts to be more readily accepted.

It takes an average of 30 days just to START changing our conditioning. The establishing of a new programming, or conditioning depends on our ability to focus on and feel our dream. If at any point during this process we give up, we must restart.

What Is Your Reality

For years I have heard various people after having returned from and enjoyed a great vacation, an inspiring talk with friends concerning future hope of fulfilling their fondest hopes, dreams and desires, future potential etc. end their conversation with, "Well, back to reality!"

Have you ever shared with someone some of your fondest hopes and dreams, I mean really poured your heart out to them explaining in detail what it is that you would just love to accomplish or experience and have the conversation end with this dis-empowering statement?

Do you allow yourself to engage in or be exposed to such limiting and destructive dialogue? Have you bought into the idea that in reality life is designed to be endured rather than enjoyed and that only the "Lucky Few" are enabled to acquire and enjoy the many luxuries available. Have you conceded to a reality picture of continuous struggle and settling for just "getting by" in the various areas of your life?

If so I have some exciting, eye opening and empowering news for you.

The real truth concerning reality, YOUR reality, is that it is and will continue to be whatever that you perceive it to be. Let me put it another way. Your reality picture, the experiences that you encounter from day to day in your life are a direct reflection of what you perceive and believe reality to be. Do you doubt that?

Let's take a look at what might have happened or not happened had that been the attitude of some of the greatest inventors and explorers in history.

Think for a moment if Christopher Columbus had allowed his mind to settle for such an attitude. Consider if you will what might have happened if Thomas Edison had allowed himself to get caught up in this way of thinking. What might have been or not been if the Wright brothers had allowed themselves to be affected by the outside influence of these pessimistic types? I could mention thousands whose contribution to the world if not followed through on and who might have "gotten back to reality" would have you experiencing a far different world than what you are able to experience today.

What is the difference between these shapers of history and you? Did they not have 2 arms and legs, a mind, and a physical brain just like you? Were they not just mere men? With that being the case what sets them apart from the rest of the worlds population? Quite simply, their reality picture consisted of their ability to create and do what others had not previously done. Their perception of what was possible is what empowered and enabled them to act on and achieve what is now considered and remembered as some of the greatest discoveries in the history of the world. And so it came to be.

Had these forward thinkers allowed their minds to conceive such incredible creations and then suddenly, due to a constricting and limiting internal reality picture thought, "Awe, that's just a pipedream. Oh well back to reality" the world would not enjoy and experience many of the things that it currently enjoys. Reality, YOUR reality, just as it was with these forward thinkers of past history, is and will continue to be precisely what you perceive, allow and enable it to be.

Sadly, the "Perceived reality" of the majority is much more constricting and limiting than REAL reality. The "Real Reality" is that you were created in the image and likeness of the Creator, whatever you may perceive that to be. You possess the ability to achieve whatever you can conceive. Real reality is not based on any form of lack and limitation, doubt, fear, and anxious moments. These are only perceptions, life draining and disempowering illusions of those who don't fully understand and grasp the limitless potential that they have been provided and have the ability to fulfill if only they would shift their perception of what their true reality consists of and enables them to accomplish.

If you believe that money is hard to come by and that you must work hard long hours at a job that displeases you to earn what you need for survival, your reality picture will reflect exactly that.

If you believe that the relationships that you are involved in require constant work in order to remain healthy, your reality picture will reflect exactly that.

If you believe that your health is determined only by hereditary conditions and you fear acquiring an ailment or disease that has been passed down through your ancestors from generation to generation your reality picture will reflect exactly that.

Your experience in the external world is merely a reflection of and in direct proportion to the continuous internal dialogue that you allow to go on within you. To change your reality in the physical world, you only need to change your perception of what reality is.

You are a creator of circumstance. Your reality picture in the external world is created and only limited by what you believe to be true. Your outcomes in the external world are a direct reflection of the internal thought processes going on within you. That is the REAL reality. Modern day science has proven it and spiritual teachers have taught it for thousands of years. Contrary to the beliefs of the mass majority, you are not a victim of circumstance but instead a creator of circumstance. You are not the victim of a series of capricious circumstances which appear to just happen from minute to minute but instead the creator of each and every event, condition and circumstance that happens in your life.

You, whether you choose to believe and accept it or not are personally and directly responsible for the outcomes in your life. Your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions of the past are being lived out and experienced by you in the present. If you choose to begin to change that which you currently find unpleasant then it is necessary to change the inner workings within yourself which are attracting them and manifesting them in physical form.

Regardless of what you may currently perceive reality to be the REAL REALITY is that you can Be, Do, and Have anything that you choose to create for yourself. The life that you are currently experiencing and the life that is available to you is under your control. You only need to learn to properly utilize the free will that has been provided to you and choose to create a different reality for yourself.

How exactly do you do that? The first major step is changing your mind regarding what reality is.

I fully understand that what you may have been taught throughout your life may seem to conflict with this truth. If that is the case with you then I strongly encourage you to begin seeking out for yourself the real truth concerning who you are and what you are capable of becoming. By doing so you will soon discover the life enhancing power that this truth holds. Your life as well as your current circumstances will shift dramatically and you will finally become empowered to create the life that you dream of experiencing. Shift your perception of reality and your reality will change. What you perceive truth to be on the inside is precisely what you will experience on the outside.

Discover the truth concerning who and what you TRULY are. Develop an understanding of the unwavering process of creation and begin to plant the seeds that will grow into your most sought after and deepest desires and you will begin to experience and reap the rewards of your newfound power.

Fear is an illusion. Limitation is an illusion. Lack is an illusion. They only exist and persist because you enable and allow them to. Your perception of them and focus on them is what feeds them and allows them to grow. Abundance is all their is. What are you experiencing an abundance of?

What do you perceive your current reality to be? Whatever it is I can assure you that 100% of the time without fail that your current experiences in life are and will continue to reflect precisely that. If you are not currently experiencing abundance and happiness in each and every area of your life, change your perception of what reality is and you will change the events, conditions and circumstances that you are currently experiencing.

Develop a deep and unshakable belief in this inescapable truth and you will have discovered your ability to change the entire course of your life.

Are you TRULY ready to change the circumstances in YOUR life? Begin right now to develop the self awareness of determining for yourself what your current inner reality picture consists of. If you need any assistance in determining it, observe the current events, conditions, and circumstances in your external world.

By doing so you will have a vivid and crystal clear answer to the question........

There is More to Life Then News, Weather and Sports My Friends

Not long ago a retired news anchor reminded me that the news is just what it is and nothing more, it is a pretend world of carefully chosen events making up a created reality, one which straddles between the status quo of perceived realities and current trends that are or interest or ironic in nature. But what is news really? And why do we put news personalities at the top of our celebrity lists?

The reason I ask is I met this gentleman in the Jacksonville Beach area, if you are familiar with the area, I was in Ponte Vedra Beach Country Club. The older gentleman was an older National TV Anchor Man, one I did not recognize, he was very surprised I did not recognize him or his name. We both decided it was because it was before my time. He was apparently quite famous in the 60s and 70s and said that my parents would surely know his name and told me to ask them.

Now we find a dear friend to many and TV Anchor man has died named; Tim Russert. It seems we have elevated his status in our minds because he is familiar and on our TV Sets always interviewing famous people. Many say he as a great reporter, but why do we see greatness this way. I mean there are several "Great Accountants" but they never get the same notoriety or fame? Why is that? Because they are not on TV talking to the rich and famous?

Do we assume that those who are reporters, TV Anchors or news celebrities to be better than all of us? Because if we were in the same profession who is to say we might not have done a better job or had better observation skills. Tim Russet appears to be a genuine nice guy from all the reports on TV about him after his very young and tragic death, but think how many other people died that week in the US and we didn't even hear about them, while Tim Russert had countless hours of coverage for more than a week.

Costanza Theory Applies to News, Too

One of the all-time great Seinfeld shows is an episode in which fictionalized character George Costanza (played by Jason Alexander) and Jerry Seinfeld meet with NBC executives to pitch an idea for a new television sitcom.

George's concept is that the show should be about "nothing."

That, of course, is what most people think the real Seinfeld television series was all about, a show where the humor was found within the idiosyncrasies of the characters, and not so much in an underlying storyline. Entire shows were centered on the characters going out to dinner or to the movies.

In one episode, George proposes his idea for a sitcom to NBC executives, and when he's pressed by the network President to describe a typical storyline, George remains adamant that the show is to be about "nothing."

Finally, the network president rhetorically asks that if there's no storyline, "why am I watching?" George replies, "Because it's on TV."

The President responds, "Not yet", but George's theory that people will watch, "because it's on TV", isn't far off the mark, and it's being played out in real life every day on 24/7 cable news networks.

There was a time when most of the country lived on farms or in rural areas where there were plenty of chores that needed to get done and those things took up a lot of family time. They were necessities, not leisure activities, and they had to be done every day.

Those included shoveling coal into the furnace, clearing the driveway after a snow storm, feeding livestock, mending fences, maintaining the house and property, and preparing family meals, mostly from scratch. These things consumed large portions of the day, and there wasn't much time for television.

With the advent of progress, things are different today and while everyone seems to be on the "go", in reality there is a lot of downtime for most families. Lifestyles are centered inside the home and the focus is on home entertainment and not so much being outside with chores.

A majority of people now live in suburban style neighborhoods and communities, apartments and town houses, where maintaining a small plot of grass or garden is considered a major weekend project.

In a world of 194 countries and 7 billion people (310 million the United States) there is an overabundance of people, protests, governments, sports and entertainment, pop culture, and political activities. This is a gold mine of world "nothingness" for cable television and news media outlets to report on, and beam into homes 24 hours a day.

We are continually being told that political demonstrations in the state of Wisconsin or elsewhere are just as relevant to people who pay taxes in Pennsylvania, Maryland, or South Carolina.

The same thing can be said about the ongoing rebellions in the Middle East. While the United States consumes only a fraction of Libya's oil production (2 percent) we are constantly being bombarded with dire consequences if the civil unrest isn't resolved soon and in a certain way that benefits the U.S.

All this makes for great television and it's produced in "game day" style so we can easily keep score and determine who is up and who is down in each circumstance.

This electronic entertainment process knows no bounds, making it very difficult to remember last week's news event, or the lasting impact it was reportedly going to have on our daily lives.

History has shown that we will survive every catastrophic event, and the effects of the hype are usually more disconcerting than the ultimate result and reality. We also know that another major news event is right around the corner.

The essence of Seinfeld is there's not much new going on in everyday life that will make us laugh - the humor lies in the actions and reactions of the characters in those routine circumstances.

Fictionalized character George Costanza theorized that people will watch a sitcom "because it's on television", and in his mind, that was reason enough for NBC executives to accept his idea for a show.

Altering the Command Station of Reality

Let's break down reality. You're in your car and the radio is playing. The song that's playing is by no means your fact you pretty much hate it. The sound that you're hearing is REALITY. You'd be stupid if you took a hammer and started beating your speakers because you didn't want to hear the song anymore. The speakers have nothing to do with the selection of the song that is playing. The sound you are hearing isn't the problem either. It is only the effect of the signal from the station the radio is tuned to. To change the song, you change what station you're tuned to.

The physical is only a reflection of what's going on in our brains, so reality is only an effect of our conditioning. Why is it that someone who is very successful can lose everything he has, to the point of being homeless, and still gain it all back? Yet he that is unsuccessful can't seem to get anywhere? Notice they both may be homeless. It's their conditioning...their mindsets.

The good news is that change is completely possible, even though it is difficult and takes time. The bad news is that most people will choose not to do anything about it because it's unfamiliar territory. Of course it is. There's a mechanism in the brain called the psycho-cybernetic mechanism, that is responsible for keeping you on track to what you believe is safe. Here's the key: The brain only let's us see what our conditioning is looking for. It's the way the brain is designed. It can work for our desires, or against them.

The first step in changing your reality is to create a dream. Then, the objective is to make this dream a goal, because real goals are a point of destination for our brains. To do this, you must get very clear on your dream. Figure out exactly what you want, how many, and how you want it. Figure out also what you're willing to give in exchange for this dream. You must be very exact because the brain operates only on super precise direction. Write it down. All of it. There is a scientific reason for that too.

Now you have come up with the dream. To better understand how to set it as a goal, understand that something that is "SET" or a "SETTING" doesn't vary. It doesn't change, but stays fixed on its position. The thing you are aiming to set, is your determination. It must be set so strongly that there is no chance that it can shift from its mark. This is regardless of the person, circumstance or thing that may try to get in the way. Only then is something a goal.

This has now become a declarative goal and is part of explicit memory system, which is part of the conscious mind. We need to move this goal to the implicit memory system, part of the subconscious mind, because that's where our conditioning is.

Your ability to focus on this goal every morning, throughout the day, and at night before bed, is part of how this transition happens. The thoughts that you focus on consistently and with feeling, begin to get imprinted onto the subconscious mind. You must pretend like you already have your dream. By pretending, we access this area of the subconscious mind.

Feelings/emotions are particularly strong existing neural networks on your subconscious mind, that when activated, they become "sticky" and allow content within you thoughts to be more readily accepted.

It takes an average of 30 days just to START changing our conditioning. The establishing of a new programming, or conditioning depends on our ability to focus on and feel our dream. If at any point during this process we give up, we must restart.

Success is only mastered, when we have mastered the ability to overcome our own negative influence upon ourselves, with positive reassurances of our dream. Then the threshold is removed from the firing pattern of these neurons, and your achievement is unrestricted.

Reality Bites-Breaking the News


There are incidents in our life where we have to disclose some news or have to say something to people close to us...known to us where we are aware that it may hurt them. For Example read the following:
1) You have to tell your sub-ordinate that he is sacked or he has to resign.
2) All in your team got increments and promotions, except two people...disclose this news to them.
3) You father is serious and he is in hospital...sharing this news with your sibling.
4) Your daughter has appeared for "Chartered Accountant Exams" but share it with her.
5) Giving "honest" feedback to your spouses...about their looks.
6) Giving "honest" comment to your friends about their behavior and habit.

There are many such incidents. One time or another we've all been there. You want to tell someone how you really feel. But how do you say this difficult thing to a person you care about without damaging, or even destroying the relationship? It's easy to say something we know will be welcomed: "I like your new suit" or "The package you were waiting for just came." Even something potentially embarrassing -"You've got chili between your teeth"-is easy to say to a friend who's going out on a date and would be horrified if you didn't tell him. About 95% of the things we need to tell other people are easy because they're welcome or routine or they confirm the sense that everything is OK. It's the other five- percent that gives us trouble.

Often in those cases, we back off and say nothing. But in silence, while incredibly tempting, is usually not the best option. Too often it's not an option at all, because the other person will eventually learn the truth anyway. Better to speak up and at least have some control over how the message is conveyed. But what, exactly, should you say? We all how easy it is to say something the wrong way and have the situation blow up in our faces. That's why certain truths are called bombshells. Deep down we all want the same thing. We want to say what needs to be said, feel good about ourselves for saying it and make good things happen when we do.

Tell the truth but meet the need

The need is what the other person is left feeling when you've dropped your bombshell. If you tell your boss: "The report will be ready tomorrow, as we agreed," you haven't created a need, you've fulfilled one. But if you say, "The report won't be in till Friday. Sorry!" you're creating an unmet need in someone very important-your boss-so you're afraid to say it. Your answer: tell the truth but meet the need. If you do that, you convert something that's hard to say into something you're brave enough to say. But how do you know what the other person's need will be? Just ask yourself what the other person is afraid of, and do or say something to help him feel less afraid. For example, you don't have to be a genius to guess that if your fiancée hears you want to postpone the wedding, he might:

Ø Need not to be humiliated in front of friends and family;

Ø Need to feel reassured that in this case postponement doesn't mean cancellation;

Ø Need to know what feelings prompted the postponement. (Has he done something wrong? Do you still love him?)

American Idol and All of the Other Crazy Reality Shows We Become Hooked On

Since day one of American Idol, fans of America have fallen into the ever popular schema behind one of many reality TV series: Road Rules, Survivor, Big Brother House, The Bachelor, and The Biggest Loser are a just a few on the tip of the iceberg. Why do we become so enthralled with these shows? In large part, we are becoming a passive society full of couch potatoes rather than the "do-it-yourselfers" that we used to be. Here are some great tips to help you turn off the tube and become active in your own reality.

After a long hard day at work, one might really be tempted to kick back and relax to the evening news with a cold one, but that one show slowly seeps into two and three and more as we become enticed by entertaining commercials of the ever suspenseful reality show. A good suggestion to those prone to couch vacuum scenario might be to read the news paper rather than turning on the power to the television. In order to keep in touch with what might be going on in your favorite series, read print relative to the reality television shows such as TV Guide and others like it.

Setting a time limit might also help some to remove themselves from the clutches of the black box, although sometimes that is not enough. Planning events that you look forward to around your television time might be enough to get moving. If you can do so effectively, try multitasking while you are watching a show. Then the televisions don't seem to drain the hours from your day as fast. Great time to flip on the tube as background can be found in times while cooking dinner, folding clothes, or picking up the family room.

No matter what measures you take to ensure you are being an active part of your own reality, remember that keeping touch with the loved ones around you are the true acts that make life worth living. Sitting down to an hour show on your own will not have the same meaning as doing so as a family.

Entrepreneurs - What It's Really Like to Be Start Up Junkies - According to Reality TV?

As a serial entrepreneur, I find reality TV a complete, contrived waste of time. I've never watched American Idol, Survivor, Amazing Race, The Apprentice, etc. Even the commercials showed me more than I ever wanted to know.


There is finally one reality show that I not only watch - but one that I strongly recommend every entrepreneur and start up company CEO should watch religiously.

The show, Start-Up Junkies, on the MOJO Network really does show what it is like to run a new company.

Frank Lloyd Wright once said TV is chewing gum for the mind. He must have been talking about reality TV. However, Start-Up Junkies is a feast for anyone even thinking about starting a company.

Having started my own four dozen companies, I have been there, done that - and not only have the tee shirt - but also several suits of armor from all the battles with dragons that try to kill entrepreneurial ventures and start up companies. Besides all that experience with my own companies, during the past 14 years I've also served as a start up consultant to 2,000 entrepreneurs in three dozen countries on six of the seven continents. So, trust me when I say, I know what it is like to be a start-up junkie myself.

From the show's web site, this is their executive summary:
The Pitch: CEO/Entrepreneur/Start-up Junkie Ron Wiener believes that the world is ready for a revolutionary online postal mail service.
The Goal: Secure millions in funding from investors and take Earth Class Mail from promising idea to profitable reality.
The Problem: Nine out of ten start-ups fail.

Beyond the usual hype for any TV show, this is an excellent production that is very well directed. More importantly, the show genuinely conveys the juggling act required of almost every entrepreneur and start up CEO.

If you are considering ever having your own business, watch the show...and see if YOU could stand the stress and multiplexing required.

The bad news about this reality show is that almost no one has even heard of the MOJO Network since it is only hi def - and a premium hi def channel at that.

The good news is that all seven episodes that have been broadcast to date since the show started in January are available for viewing at the MOJO website you can watch them all. Each show only lasts 22 minutes since there are no commercials.

So, what's my experienced opinion of the company and the management team?

Ron Wiener is an excellent start up CEO. He has the combined skill sets and charisma to pull it off...and the fortitude to withstand stress levels non-entrepreneurs cannot imagine even exist. He is seasoned enough with his prior start up experience to know the right path and how to slay the dragons he needs to slay before they kill the company - although, sometimes, it is uncertain which way to swing the sword when so many dragons attack at once. He made a brilliant move by agreeing to the TV show - incredible exposure for his company and his fundraising for no cost - although doing this while doing a private placement must put him in the dark gray areas of securities law.

Ron has recruited a good management team but it looks like the company may be quickly outgrowing the capabilities of some of them (a very common problem for many of my start up clients.) Based on the company's web site, Ron has a new CMO and a COO.

Reality TV Contestant Fatigue

While the big news in reality TV casting for May is the start of casting for Amazing Race 14 and Survivor 18, another issue may be showing itself for the first time: are we seeing the first signs of contestant saturation? With nearly 400 network TV shows now soliciting viewer participation, is the herd of people willing to turn their lives upside down to meet the time commitment reality TV demands finally thinning?

Probably not, if you're casting twenty-somethings looking at reality TV as a career move. But a spate of deadline extensions in the past few days has to make one think that when it comes to casting for ordinary people in the Southern California area, pickings are getting thin.

Season 1 of the TLC documentary reality series The Secret Lives of Soccer Moms premiered in February and did well enough to get renewed for a second season. The series documents the lives of women who have given up their careers to be stay-at-home wives and mothers. Season 2 applications opened March 23/08 and were supposed to close a month later, but had to be extended over two weeks.

ABC and Magical Elves held an open call for the pilot of Wipeout, billed as "Fear Factor without the grossness," back in mid-December/07 and has had a casting notice up on the ABC casting page ever since. The pilot was shot in January and tested well enough to warranted a full season. Applications were supposed to close April 30th but that deadline also had to be extended.

And finally there is 13. This is a CW horror-themed reality series slated to air this fall. The heavyweight executive producers, Sam Rami (Spiderman) and Jay Bienstock (Survivor, Apprentice), wanted to cast this one like a film, with the usual stock of Scary Movie stereotypes. Casting closed in late April, but they evidently haven't been able to fill their quota of "white collar students/professionals" and have extended their application process for applicants able to drop everything for a 3-week shoot starting May 22nd.

Three deadline extension in a single week; all of them following casting periods of over a month, all of them specifically seeking applicants living in So Cal, and 2 of the 3 looking for upper middle-class professionals with no show biz aspirations. Is this the start of a trend? If it is, we may see more casting outside of the usual So Cal and even the NYC tri-state areas. And that is good news for the vast majority of people who would like to be involved in their favorite show.

Subjective Reality - The Game of Life

This is good news and bad news.

The circumstances in which we find ourselves can be quickly changed because subjective reality allows us to make energetic personal changes far more quickly than would happen if we were trying to manipulate the masses of matter formed by billions of other humans.

It is not that we are the only people manifesting change, but we are the only avatars of our subjective reality dream who are doing the manifesting. Here's the problem. If you are thinking and worrying about some illness, it will come fairly quickly to you. If you are worrying about some financial difficulty, it will come fairly quickly to you. Perhaps you know someone who was worried about some disaster, and lo and behold, it happened to them.

It is of vital importance that you keep your mind on the good. Keep your mind on your desires rather than your fears, and get rid of the fears as fast and as completely as you can.

Be Careful of Self Deprecating Jokes

Stop any joking about your children "giving you a heart attack" or your husband or wife "driving you to drink" or your mortgage making you feel so "sick and tired...". As Byron Katie says, "Life is always kind." The Universe will take away anything that makes you unhappy, and your Subconscious will make real anything you talk about consistently. And, it won't take long.

Jesus said, "By your words ye are justified and by your words ye are condemned." So, as you've no doubt heard, "Be careful what you ask for." Every statement of fact is a request.

In-tuition is being Taught from Within Just as In-curable Means Curable from Within

Once we know enough to be careful of what we say and think, we are ready for the next level of mind control or listening within. This is another area that benefits greatly from the quiet listening of meditation.

This is why you don't want to go into busy action, having formed your own plan to execute your desire. Let the Universe help. Do be active, but also take time to listen for the promptings of Divinity.

Once you have visualized it in your Conscious Mind, and imprinted the idea in your Subconscious Mind, then your Superconscious Mind packages it for the Creative process. Divinity will partner with you in bringing it into your Subjective reality.

Have faith for this will come as surely as tomorrow's dawn.

Jesus reassured us, "Ask and it shall be given you, seek and ye shall find, knock and it shall be opened unto you." Take action, but listen for directions, adjustments and teachers who appear in your path.

News Makes You Aware of What Is Happening Across The World

News is essential for many and watching it has been a habit for few. It is certainly important for every human to know what is happening around them in the locality, country and across the world. In this present world, media has become more sensational and the television and newspapers have started providing a different perspective
to the actual happenings. The news is modified or provided with a twist as per the wishes of the people in the media houses. This has made the situation for every viewer not get to see the reality of what is happening around them. Everyday people switch on their television to see things that are happening across the globe and
keep track of the latest news that will make them up to date. Seeing real news has become a distant dream as people get to see the cheap rip-off of the actual news.

Media house, newsmakers is often referred as one of the four pillars of democracy. This is a powerful medium that helps people to communicate about the political and social events that is happening in the world. Politicians are elected representatives of a nation and they represent the people of the country. It is their duty to
serve the nation to the best of their ability and provide good governance and ensure that the safety of the people is maintained. Corrupt politicians take the people for a ride and ensure that their personal ambitions are achieved. Media has been playing an important role in identifying the corrupt and bringing out their bad deeds.
Among the many people in the media only some are courageous in questioning the politicians about their bad deeds and the malpractices they do.
These people uncover the truth and investigate the real story that is happening behind the corrupt politicians and question those politicians publicly, who represent the people of the nation. Shahram Shahramian, is one such news anchor and journalist who truly understands the newsmakers, news and promises to provide the viewers with facts. His news is not sensational, does not believe in gimmicks to catch the attention of the viewers. He stands for providing with hard core news that actually happened. His journey of being a news anchor and journalist for more than 30 years has great understanding of world politics and current affairs and has got the
maturity to analyze the events critically and perfectly. He believes in aggressive reporting and features on TEN TV every night with the latest news report.

News Daily Today

Most waited to be assigned a story from the news desk (a task usually taken on by the news assignments editor or, in small markets, the news director).

For the first time since I became public editor, the executive editor and the publisher have declined to respond to my requests for information about news-related decision-making. He was hailed by media stars as a "breathtaking" example of presidential leadership in toppling Saddam Hussein. They do not choose an area because it's a terrible place to raise kids, the schools are unsafe, the water supply bad, and the taxes high.

media coverage, click here.

I pointed out in a news meeting a few years ago that people do not move to an area because it leads the state in murders. "Imagine the difference between a picture gallery with the sun shining through and the same gallery at night, illuminated by a half dozen candles. I've been forced to hire younger and younger people who do not read, write, or deliver material well at all. 19, three days after the article appeared. It takes time and commitment to get to know people who can help you when you need a sound bite on a certain issue.

It's time, I believe, to build an information hi-rise that includes the best that's in us as well.

I've seen more than one news director frustrated by young reporters' lack of curiosity about their community.

For possibly the most amazing story he wrote which got virtually no U.S.

The New York Times's explanation of its decision to report, after what it said was a one-year delay, that the National Security Agency is eavesdropping domestically without court-approved warrants was woefully inadequate. It was a "hot property." Area businesses were willing to pay premium prices to have their ads placed before and after the segments called "James' Corner."

newsperson even bothered to ask me or the BBC for the data and research we had painstakingly done. If the story bleeds, it's likely to lead, be the top story in that evening's newscast.

At first the station higher-ups thought feature stories about the unsung heroes in the community were a waste of time. US forces should be able to "disrupt or destroy the full spectrum of globally emerging communications systems, sensors, and weapons systems dependent on the electromagnetic spectrum". They have no action."

TV news is brilliant when it comes to showcasing the worst aspects of human nature. In an e-mail uncovered and released by the House Judiciary Committee last month, Tim Griffin, once Karl Rove's right-hand man, gloated that "no [U.S.] national press picked up" a BBC Television story reporting that the Rove team had developed an elaborate scheme to challenge the votes of thousands of African Americans in the 2004 election. Griffin wasn't exactly right. Get the top news stories from news daily for all your news needs.
A news director I used to work for told me, "When I started in this business twenty years ago, we had a solid core of proven journalists working for us. Having created over 2,000 feature stories over a nine year period during my tenure at a CBS-TV affiliate in Texas, I know the importance of preserving the broadcast tradition of telling the stories of local unsung heroes, innovators, and visionaries -- material routinely overlooked by the "ratings hungry" TV news outlets.

11 is inadequate, some of the nation's leading structural engineers and fire-safety experts are calling for a new, independent and better-financed inquiry that could produce the kinds of conclusions vital for skyscrapers and future buildings nationwide. "Psyops messages will often be replayed by the news media for much larger audiences, including the American public. The fact that the "Information Operations Roadmap" is approved by the Secretary of Defense suggests that these plans are taken very seriously indeed in the Pentagon.

What's involved is caring enough to get all the necessary pictures and sound bites at the scene. Murrow, Douglas Edwards, Walter Chronkite, Chet Huntley and David Brinkley, and the early journalistic years of Barbara Walters at NBC are all but lost on today's generation of new hires who have only the vaguest ideas of the standards, values, and news ethics that were so important to these broadcasting legends.

It was the reporter's responsibility to bring story ideas to the morning news meeting. 16 article about President Bush's secret decision in the months after 9/11 to authorize the warrantless eavesdropping on Americans in the United States. "The brain works on energy and energy illumines reality," the British novelist Colin Wilson wrote. Local broadcast news has become more about ratings and station profits than solid news gathering, compiling lists of trusted sources, compelling writing, and good storytelling. Sensationalism dominates newscasts nowadays. The document recommends that the United States should seek the ability to "provide maximum control of the entire electromagnetic spectrum". I had no idea what you showed us today even existed." These viewers appreciated being told they lived in a community with good people around them who were making tangible contributions.

These "feel-good" about-your-community stories are vanishing from TV news broadcasts and being replaced with news stories directed at target audiences that Orlando Sentinel syndicated columnist Kathleen Parker says are "culturally locked in perpetual adolescence."

Tonight I saw a panel of White House correspondents talking about what it was like to cover the White House. The professional reporter must also have the ability to write a great story and the skills to edit video to match audio, even if another person in the newsroom is assigned to edit their story.

Ambedkar Nagar News Is Popular Among Localities

Do hindi news media impact learning process of Indian community? Perhaps it's about time to rephrase the question as How, do press impact learning? It's about time to go beyond our issue with "proving" that press "cause" studying so that we can begin to discover the query in more complicated ways. Perhaps we should ask, what are the real and potential connections between press and learning? Can we explain and comprehend those relationships? And can we make a powerful impact of press on studying through enhanced concepts, research, and academic designs? What is the role of local media on this stage? Are local dailies like the Ambedkar Nagar news and kanpur news dailies contributing to the learning needs of the community?

There is a certain emergency about this query. In the long run, phone, satellite tv, and digital computer technological innovation will blend, introducing the possibilities of video chat incorporated with large media directories to be allocated to people in various parts all over the world. If we do not soon comprehend the connection between press and learning, if we have not made such a connection, this technological innovation may be used mainly for entertaining operas and online purchase of consumer products. Its academic uses may be motivated mainly by design of "edutainment" products whose participation to studying may be little. Knowing how students communicate and using the exclusive abilities of each medium's structure is essential.

In order to comprehend the reality and prospective connections between the press and studying, we must first comprehend why we have thus far did not identify a causal relationship. Mainly, this failing is due to the fact that our concepts, research, and styles have been restricted of educational technological innovation. Both conventional educational designs and relative press research relax on the presumptions of the behaviorist paradigm. Press are described according to the outer lining area functions of their technological innovation, and their impact on studying is evaluated by using "responses" on an analysis. Also missing are explanations of the real components and functions of various news media, especially the Hindi news media that impact these procedures. Information and learning are ignited by a shared connection between the learner's intellectual sources and factors of the exterior environment. Local news dailies like Ambedkar Nagar news and the kanpur news can play a big role in contributing to the respective communities, for the purpose of learning. The area of academic technology is reexamining its fundamental presumptions and queries.

Proven News Companies

The news systems look to recede about the news and even more about pandering for you to people in politics. In which will we immediately turn intended for the daily medication dosage with highly regarded, cutting-edge, hard-striking news and continue-to-date with current circumstances in this particular slowly but surely fast-paced society? Once are unable to depend on the news systems to deliver trustworthy news which fits great principles about good quality and objectivity, the place can we get dependable news methods?

Back for the evening anytime the Republicans operated every single house combined with the Presidency, a period of time that may nicely get smaller ever previously for instance a modern-day Black Matures or possibly Leadership of Terror, the He News station was in fact regarded the bastion regarding proven news. A real lot in order that various news institutions have been very too embarrassed even going to subject their very own expert.

Monk News, pressed by Australian newspaper and tv magnate Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., previously had launched on the assumption who conventional news providers similar to CNN and group news run on a good concept connected with the slight left-wing life prejudice because of the educative and community milieu of the editors. The resolution this Fox News surprisingly advocated ended up allot any news station to help purportedly "fair and balanced" news insurance policy coverage. "Fair and balanced" got to be their watchword, and yet it subsequently showcased for being odd. After some time, their particular ostensibly objective news exposure remains to be found while right-wing propaganda that had been quite coldly pandering for you to the Plant current administration once they were being found in energy.

This valuable produces us that will MSNBC's news options. MSNBC is a fabulous news station who is developed to be a collaboration, seeing that the subject means, involving Microsoft windows (the monolithic software package monster formed as a result of Bill gates) and NBC. Their particular array of news will show really offers us the choice Sibel News, yet, just as recommended by way of Keith Olbermann, what they really are quite providing us is left-wing propaganda who panders so that you can the Obama operations.

The sad upshot of pretty much everything authorities pandering and institutional propaganda is that will the number-one victim when it comes to well-known news insurance is integrity. Where by will be the Woodwards and Bernsteins involving today, because of their gorgeous expos?s involved with file corruption during substantial websites? Not in also He News and also MSNBC.

Probably the reply to at which you can easlily discover valid news resources fabrications along with CNN-still plain and indicating the fa?ade with objectivity even though disguising a good subtle left-wing prejudice-who nowadays, funny enough ,, they resort to sites, Bebo provides nourishment to and Facebook reports supplement their particular on-site writer reviews. CNN in fact promotes you to ultimately provide beginner video lessons by means of the "iReport" spot on the websites, of which will allow it to aspect the video lessons on its news exhibits pursuing the means of vetting and evidence. Definitely, when it comes to the recurring Iranian uprisings, exactly where well-liked newspaper writers are usually disallowed and extradited as a result of the authoritarian Iranian regime, western world news origins seem to be having to count number on Twittollower provides nourishment to, websites and amateurish movie out of Iranian most people their own news assets.

The following can bring us to the fight which usually well-liked news organizations experience just lately really been generating from the Blogsphere, specifically in the aftermath of recent movie channels while Issue with Play the game, redirected through Kevin Macdonald, including who the Blogsphere is constructed for the most part with newbees which are from their depth, whereas if you are after just for cutting-edge Woodward-and-Bernstein style in-depth revealing, you can get it tied to the leading news firms who might possibly have the abilities and property there to assistance the fact that method of news insurance coverage.

The reality-a no less than just a few the so-known while huge news organisations are usually committed to setting up partisan propaganda who relatively shamelessly panders in order to people in politics when the third is slowly but surely turning to the Blogsphere that provides her news places. Just for Woodward and Bernstein, both are following the market and producing guides for income. The ethical for the narrative surely, for this reason, should you happen to be attempting to find cutting-edge writing, ignore the news systems and, rather, use a look during the Blogsphere!

Hungry for entertainment news UK - Visit Newspanel today

Take a journey back in time to the 1950s and the news as we heard it on the radio was perhaps twenty four hours old at best, the TV news of which reports were still being made in the cinema newsreel genre were sometimes as much as three days old, unless of course it was sports news. Move forward to the late sixties and early seventies and reports from the front line of the Vietnam War could be twenty four hours old; however, with the introduction of electronic news gathering (ENG) all that changed with news reports coming live in many cases from locations all over the world.

When it came to entertainment news UK it wasnt much better, and invariably something which happened on the other side of the Atlantic still taking up to a day to be reported over the other side; viewers and listeners would certainly not have had the constant flow of celebrity gossip and news which is available nowadays. In the eighties and nineties, as news gathering and reporting became more mainstream and the public hunger for news - any news  became almost insatiable, the internet reared its (ugly) head.

The difference with news gathering now, combined with a large proportion of entertainment news and celebrity gossip is it is located online, with headlines and content changing almost as fast as Hugh Grant changes girlfriends (sic) and much of it coming from anecdotal sources and of course reporters with a scoop. The internet has also made it possible for just about anyone to create a news outlet, although in many cases the result is not as slick as one which is professionally produced and edited.

When one wants to read the cutting edge and most up to date breaking news UK web surfers just need to type in the words in a search engine such as œlatest news and hit enter and thousands of news stories and entertainment, celebrity and reality stuff will be returned to the monitor.

We have never been more in touch with the outside world than we are today, with constantly streaming hard news, entertainment news and celebrity gossip; even the weather seems to change every ten minutes juts to fill an insatiable desire to know what is happening in the world around us.

Android Augmented Reality

Augmented reality (AR) exists as a fine line between the digital virtual world and the physical real-world. It can also be seen as a lens by which you enrich your view of reality, hence augmented reality. Mobile is now the largest growing consumer sector of AR with new applications being released regularly.

Android is at the forefront of the new technology with many new applications taking advantage of its well accommodating accelerometer, compass, camera and GPS system. Here is a list of the top 10 augmented reality apps for Android:

1. Wikitude World Browser - This app combines Wikipedia content with location awareness to provide real-time information about your surroundings. By panning your phone camera across a scene, you can see any POI's (points of interest) that are recognized by the app.

2. Layar Reality Browser - This is one of the first AR apps to hit the market and still retains its spot near the top in popularity. Depending on what type of layer you choose to include in your view, you can see many types of real-time digital information over top your view.

3. Wikitude Drive - Wikitude Drive overlays driving instructions atop your camera's live video feed of the road. This allows users to watch the road as they are driving through their phone's screen with detailed information.

4. Weather Reality - Weather Reality allows for many types of real-time weather related interactions. You can view detailed weather reports through your phone's camera along with current conditions, radar, severe weather reports and the path of the sun and the moon.

5. AugSatNav - AugSatNav is an AR navigation system primarily intended for walkers. Walking directions are provided to you through your live camera feed as you follow your path ahead.
6. 3D AR Compass - This app is an AR compass which provides multiple compass types, a rotating map, degrees and current address information.

7. Tweeps Around - Tweeps Around combines Twitter with AR by showing you who is tweeting in your immediate area and what they are saying. By pointing your camera in the direction of someone who's sent out a tweet, you'll see a marker with their distance and tweet.

8. TagWhat - TagWhat is an AR social networking app that allows users to tag any object in their camera's view. Friends of users can then view the tags and see any details that have been included.

9. Google Goggles - Google Goggles is an app that allows you to capture an image of any object in your camera's view and then image recognition software compares it to others in its database to find a match. This can be useful to find information quickly on any object, place or words of interest.

10. Space InvadAR - This app is a vision-based AR game that allows you to feed in real-time video and then augment it with aliens and spaceships that you have to fight off.

Augmented reality will undoubtedly continue to push the boundaries for how we view our physical world and with the technical capabilities needed to support such technology, Android is poised to be increasingly more integrated with augmented reality mobile apps in the future.

Thoughts Become Your Reality, Choose Only The Good Ones

Thoughts Become Your Reality, Choose Only The Good Ones
Welcome to Thoughts Become Your Reality...
This is a great opportunity to start living the life of your dreams. Stop living a life by default and begin to design your life. Yes, you heard me right, you can design the life of your dreams based on the thoughts you choose to allow into your mind.
It's a journey, we are not talking about magic pills. We are talking about learning the skills to stop running our lives on "auto-pilot" and start to determine what is it that we want in our life and keep the kind of thinking that it`s in alligment with it
I'm sure you want joy, happiness, prosperity, good health, great relationships, the good things in life I mean, but if you take a hard look at your life you may be running into some difficulties right now and that is discouraging.
You know, living the life of your dreams is not meant to just some :"lucky few`, NO, it`s your birthright and responsability. We were all created equal and therefore we all have access to the same resource to have the life we want. And you know what is that unlimited resource, OUR THINKING.
Yep, you`ve heard it, you are what you think. And that cannot be further from the truth. What you think attracts the conditions and circumstances in your life. Believe mes, this is not not some ultra metaphisics talk, it`s the absolute truth.
You know, positive and negative thoughts are nothing but vibrational energy and since we are all pure energy we tend to attract the kind of energy that our thinking creates. Positive toughts vibrate at a higher energy than negative ones, thus the energy we attract is different and that reflects on our conditions and circumstances, meaning in our lives.
Nobody makes $ 50,000.00 US year because they want to make $ 50 K a year, they do so because they don`t know how to make $ 100,000 or $ 250,000 a year, and that is determined by our conditioned thinking since childhood.
You see, during the first 4 or 5 years of our lives we had no conscious mind, only sub-conscious mind being feed by our care takers (parents, siblings, close relatives, teachers, etc.) and the kind of thinking they conditioned our minds with was based on their very own conditions and circumstances.So, if they grew up poor , what kind of thoughts do you think they feed us with, `life is hard``, `money doesn`t grow on trees`, etc. you know the drill. And that applies not just to money but to everything in our lives, happiness, relationships, the kind of education we receive, etc.
Bottom line is, if you take a close look at your current life and there are some recurring patterns, is not because there is something wrong with you, is your thinking and most importantly your paradigms or patterns of thinking, of which I will talk about on further posts
So, to finish up for today, allow me to give you some bad and good news. The bad is that your life is a reflection of your mind, the good is that all of that CAN be changed, but only if you are willing to do your homework. As I said before, we are not talking magic pills here. The fact that your thoughts become your reality is just a natural law as the law of relativity, it always works no matter what. The good thing is that you don`t even need to understand how it works, just to learn the specifics and make that law work for you since the universe is just waiting for your instructions to connect the dots and start reflecting the kind of life you want.
Training and managing your mind is the most important skill you could ever know, in terms of happiness and success in all areas of your life.
Until next time,
P.S. keep this mantra in your mind constantly THOUGHTS BECOME YOUR REALITY, CHOOSE ONLY THE GOOD ONES

The Magic of Creating Your Own Reality

"We want you to show yourself your power. We want you to
remember who you are. We want you to remember that you are the creator
of your own experience."
-- Abraham-Hicks

How do you feel when someone says to you, "You know, you create
your own reality." If you're looking at a reality you like,
you probably smile and say, "Yeah, I did that!" If you're
looking at a reality you don't like, you may get upset and insist,
"I did NOT create THAT! I would NEVER have created THAT!"

Well, according to the Law of Attraction, you ARE creating your
own reality. In fact, you're creating your reality all day every
day with your thoughts and feelings. The all-important question
then becomes: Are you creating consciously or are you creating by

The reality you perceive is a mirror reflecting back to you a picture
of what you're thinking and feeling. The good news is that, even
if you don't particularly like the picture you've created so far,
you can begin immediately to improve it. As you learn how to consciously
create your own reality, it is no longer necessary to accept unpleasant
circumstances or settle for less than the life you truly desire.

Because nothing is fixed and everything changes all the time, you
can start right now creating the reality you truly desire, building
your life thought by thought, as surely as a mason builds a house
brick by brick. When you choose thoughts that feel good, you manifest
circumstances that feel good. Therefore, consciously creating your
own reality starts with directing your thoughts toward what feels

As you make the connection between what you're thinking and feeling
and what's manifesting in your experience, you create from a place
of confidence and empowerment rather than from a place of doubt
and fear.

"The best way to predict the future is to create it."
Abraham Lincoln

Consciously creating your own reality is really just a matter of
applying the LOA principles you already know - perhaps with a new
understanding - maybe in a more purposeful way.

Here are some tips to help you design and create your life in accordance
with your own desires, to help you manifest more of what you want
and less of what you don't want:

• Make feeling good the most important thing.
• Notice how you feel and choose thoughts that feel better.
• Find things to appreciate.
• Be as present as possible.
• Be as happy as possible.
• Accept your inherent worthiness.
• Maintain positive expectation.
• Listen for and take inspired action toward your desire.
• Focus on what you want and why you want it, letting go of
how, where, when, and who.
• Hold fast to your dream even when there's no physical evidence
that it's happening.
• Change your vibration rather than trying to change your
• Have fun and follow your bliss.
• Relax and trust that all is well and that everything is
unfolding perfectly.

"We magnetize into our lives whatever we hold in our thought."
- Richard Bach

As you accept that you create your world with your thoughts and
feelings - and that YOU are in charge of those thoughts and feelings
- you become the Master Creator of your own precious life. As you
consciously apply the Magic of Creating Your Own Reality, you will
soon find yourself living in a magical Universe where dreams really
do come true!

Cooperative Reality

There has been an enormous amount of discussion lately about the Law of Attraction,
you could say that the Law of Attraction has gained celebrity status as the personal
development tool of the moment, the current popular method for manifesting your dreams.
What most people don't realize is that the Law of Attraction is not a new idea, in fact
it's not even an old idea in the sense that there
was a point in time when somebody coined the phrase and suddenly everyone began using it
like some new appliance. Someone of course did invent the phrase Law of Attraction,
but in the same way that Sir Isaac Newton invented the word gravity. The Law of Attraction
like gravity, just is, no one owns the rights to it, in fact it is impossible to avoid using it.

The Law of Attraction is one of many laws by which mankind has been operating
consciously or unconsciously since the dawn of time. Most people are blissfully unaware
of how these laws affect their lives and equally unaware that the power of these laws can
be harnessed and used to great effect on a daily basis.

Since the release of the movie The Secret, the Law of Attraction has come to the forefront
in peoples minds as the ultimate tool for changing your life
and that is a good thing. I find however that many people after watching
and reading information about the Law of Attraction are still somewhat confused as to how
it actually works. There is a lot of talk about holding images in the mind, sending
thought vibrations out to the universe, maintaining a state of expectation and gratitude,
and waiting for the universe to respond by the Law of Attraction and provide that upon
which you have focussed your intention, and so on. All of these things are very wonderful
and I have found all of them useful in my own learning, but none of these ideas provided me with
truly satisfactory answers about how the Law of Attraction actually works, both
spiritually and scientifically.

Now if you're anything like me, blind faith just doesn't cut it, most people like
at least to have some kind of decent explanation for why they should get involved with
the Law of Attraction, otherwise we tend to reject the whole idea outright, which would
be a unfortunate indeed.

Vital Knowledge

The trouble that I think some people have is that they hear about incredible success
stories involving the Law of Attraction, amazing tales of people that have gone from
having an average kind of existence to living a life that most people only dream about,
and then set out in good faith to achieve similar results. Clearly not everyone achieves
the results they had hoped for, why is this? Has the Law of Attraction failed? Are all of
the success stories bogus? Are they just clever ploys to get us to buy books and movies
about how to use the Law of Attraction?

There are many individual claims about the Law of Attraction bringing great abundance
and the fulfillment of great dreams, and there are also charlatans in every area of life,
religious, secular, scientific, but it would be a great mistake to reject a concept of
such potential because of a few con artists, you might as well give up on all personal
development right now.

As for the first idea that the Law of Attraction has somehow failed to work, my own
experience tells me that this is simply not possible, the Law of Attraction is not a
business plan, or a clever scheme that is subject to markets or the moods of individuals,
it is as constant and predictable as the sun rise, all that is required is the appropriate
level of understanding in order to leverage its potential.

This I believe is where a lot of confusion exists, why do some people seem to be able
to apply the Law of Attraction with great affect and others struggle to see the smallest
things manifest? The answer is knowledge, there is a basic lack of understanding about how the Law of
Attraction works. Some people however seem to be able to easily apply the Law of
Attraction and get results even though they have no more knowledge of what is actually
happening than the next person, why is this? It is because some individuals have a mental
pre-disposition to accepting the Law of Attraction, its requirements and outcomes without
question, others don't and require further instruction about the fundamentals of the
law of attraction before being able to apply themselves properly.

Its a bit like being given a kit for a model aeroplane without the assembly
instructions, some people may have a natural understanding about how to assemble things,
they may have watched their father assembling model aeroplanes in the past, but for
others it will be an almost impossible task, time consuming and frustrating.

It is my experience that with a basic increase in understanding about the Law of
Attraction and the underlying principles that govern it, any individual can begin to see
real results in every area of their life almost immediately. So let's now take a look
at some of that useful knowledge that will assist us in gaining a better understanding of
how to apply the Law of Attraction to great affect.

The Most Important Thing

The first thing that I would like to say is that the Law of Attraction is not the most
powerful law in the universe, contrary to popular opinion, there are a number of
underlying principles that govern how the Law of Attraction works, and that is where we
shall begin.

I want to start by making this statement; when we use the Law of Attraction, we do not
attract things! this is also contrary to popular opinion. There is not a sports car with
your vibration on it waiting for you to
believe that it's yours before it appears in the driveway. This may seem a ridiculous
statement, but there are many teachers of the Law of Attraction that state exactly that,
it's about manifesting things, well it's not.

The Law of Attraction does not work by you putting out a thought vibration to the
universe and somehow the universe, through the principle of the Law of Attraction,
responds to that thought by sending you the thing that matches that vibration, yet
unfortunately this is what is taught. Some people simply accept this explanation and get
on with using the Law of Attraction to great success, you could call that blind faith,
and I have no problem with that at all, but it won't work for everyone, and that does
concern me because it can work for everyone.

The most important thing you will ever understand about the Law of Attraction is that
it always involves other people, other minds, other realities, not things. I call this
underlying principle Cooperative Reality and discuss it in detail throughout my book.

Put simply, Cooperative Reality states that in order to apply the Law of Attraction
you require the cooperation of other individuals realities. Understanding this concept
has been the single greatest step in my own personal growth, when I came to this
realization it completely revolutionized my experience in using the Law of Attraction. It
provided me with meaningful direction in the application of all the methods I was
ignorantly using to apply the Law of Attraction.

I have been asked many times to explain my success in using the Law of Attraction, and
I discover that it's not easy to summarise the concept of Cooperative Reality, and that is
why I decided to write my book entitled
  Cooperative Reality.
I will however attempt to summarise the book in order to give you at least some idea of
the power of this concept in relation to the Law of Attraction.
I must state however that there will be some ideas that may seem very
unusual, but I assure you there is solid scientific evidence for everything I am putting
forward, again, explained in detail throughout my book.

The Quantum Field

First of all we need to ask the question "what is reality?" and I will begin by
taking a brief look at a concept within Quantum Physics called super position. Briefly
stated super position is referring to sub atomic particles appearing in more than one
place at the same time, in fact the same electron, if I may use this particle as an
example, could appear in as many as 3000 different or potential locations simultaneously,
this phenomenon is referred to in Quantum Physics as a wave function. So the entire
universe being made up of the very tiny world of sub atomic particles exists in super
position, or one of many potential locations, on a universal scale Quantum Physicists call this the Field of

This is great new for us all, it means that your reality is not fixed, it is flexible,
changeable, it can be altered from one form to another, but who does the transforming and how?

The Observer

This brings me to the second point I would like to consider, also a concept used in Quantum
Physics called The Observer, and this principle directly affect and alters the Field of Potential.
So what is The Observer? Well, you are the Observer, along with ever other conscious individual
on the planet. And what does the Observer do? The Observer is responsible for the
collapse of the wave function. What does that mean? Basically it means whenever you
consciously observe the Quantum Field you snap your reality into a single location
in time and space. Scientists conduct complex experiments with particles that bare out this
concept and it certainly aligns with my own experience.

So when we observe the Quantum Field, the world, the universe, what position do we
collapse the wave function to? Where does our reality finish up? Well that is determined
by what you believe, and I'm not referring to your religious allegiance, I'm talking about
what you believe your reality should be with every fibre of your being, which is taught in
the Law of Attraction, it's just not generally explained that well.
Now you are not the only Observer collapsing the wave function to set reality by what you
believe, everyone is an Observer, and that is of vital importance to understand.
To properly apply the Law of Attraction we need to somehow alter the way other people view reality,
and we will take a look at that shortly.

Rewiring The Mind

Finally we need to consider how it is that we change our fundamental beliefs about
ourselves and about the world. Fortunately for us, the construct of our belief systems
exist within the mind, in the complex structure of neural pathways that make up the
different areas of the brain. I say fortunately, because recent discoveries in neuroscience have
revealed that the neural structure of the brain is highly flexible, not rigid and fixed as scientists first
thought. You are not destined to be locked in to behaviors and attitudes of the past,
ways of thinking and patterns of belief that have been neurologically passed down to you
by your ancestors through your DNA, you possess the power to reconstruct the neural
pathways in your brain and create a brand new construct of reality in your mind.

This is a vital area of knowledge that most Law of Attraction publications do not go
into, some of the common Law of Attraction methods such as, focussed intention, and
holding an image in the mind of a new reality do have an affect on the neural construct
of the brain, but the affect can be temporary, because we are not taught how to solidify
the new construct for use over the long term. The human mind processes roughly 100,000 bits of
information per second, yet we are only consciously aware of around 2000 bits of that
information. What we need to do is begin to learn how to permanently alter the construct
of our neural net in order to perceive a new reality, to become aware of things that we
had never considered before and forever change our deep beliefs about who we are and what
we are doing here.

Putting it all Together

So what does this all mean in relation to using the Law of Attraction more
effectively? Your first goal when attempting to apply the Law of Attraction must be to
alter your fundamental beliefs about what your own reality is in order to begin
collapsing the quantum field to that new reality, but as I mentioned earlier, you are not the
only one that sets reality through belief, and this is where the Law of Attraction really
comes into its own.

As you apply all the methods around the Law of Attraction, visualization, intentions,
gratitude etc, you create a stronger reality for yourself, and that reality connects with
corresponding vibrations in the minds of those around you. You begin to alter other
individuals beliefs in relation to you, and they also begin to collapse the quantum
field in alignment with your new reality. Basically you create a stronger personal
reality that affects those around you, this is no game of chance, but using the
Law of Attraction properly does feel a little like stacking the odds in your favour.
When I first began to really understand and
apply the principles mentioned above, all the small details of my life began to change,
my life went from 80 percent of the things that happened to me being a disappointment to 80
percent of things becoming truly positive and magical virtually overnight.


Your life consists in all the small details that make up your reality, you don't
need to be somewhere else or do something else in order to be truly happy, using the Law
of Attraction you can begin to quickly transform every area of your life from the mundane
to the incredible, everyone has this ability, all you need is a brain and a choice.

As I said, it is difficult to explain this subject briefly, but I hope you have found
this article helpful in your understanding of the Law of Attraction and how it works.

If you would like to learn more about properly applying the Law of Attraction
and find out about the practical methods I use for changing my own fundamental beliefs and affecting
the reality of those around me, I encourage you to consider reading my book
Law of Attraction - Cooperative Reality, you will find simple practical methods for using the Law of Attraction
and Cooperative Reality, along with clear explanations of all the concepts I have mentioned in this article.

A Dose of Reality

I have written and published approximately 40 articles on various article submission websites in the last two months. I write on a variety of topics and to me it is very interesting what articles bring the most traffic.

Not all the websites I submit my articles too have stats for me to refer to but the ones that do offer valuable insight. The articles I write on politics and different kinds of investment options bring very little traffic. I also have counters on the articles on my own site and I get similar traffic on my site. People appear to be more interested in celebrity gossip, cars, Hot Wheels, and other hobbies than they are about how our country is run, their own financial position, or corporate issues.

I think hobbies are important this is why I have a hobbies page on my site. Hobbies offer a source stress relief, a way to relax and enjoy life. People get too caught up in the fast-paced world we live in and do not take time to wind down. So I am not saying the articles on hobbies are not important but the others certainly are too.

I originally titled the article "A Dose of Reality" because I thought it was me that needed to face reality, that most people are comfortable with the way their lives are going and do not want to face the difficult issues we will soon be faced with. As I am writing the article I now see it as a toss up. Maybe I am facing reality and it is most other people that do need to face reality and realize if we continue on the path we are on that we are headed for financial disaster.

If people continue to live beyond their means and rack up the debt what will happen if there is another recession? If the government continues to spend money at record pace what is going to happen if countries stop lending us money? How will we then finance the debt levels and spending? It is clear that the "leaders" of our country have no restraint at all when it comes money. And when you think about it, why should they? It is not their money, they are not held accountable for their irresponsibility, and when they retire they will live like royalty, on our tax dollars, for the rest of their lives.

Remember back to your elementary school days when you learned about the Revolutionary War and the development of our government? Do you think that the founders of our Constitution and the builders of our government intended things to turn out the way they have? Does anyone think that we, as people of the country, we were meant to have very little say over how our government is run as we do?

The United States government was set-up as a democracy. It was developed to give anyone the chance to run for office and be a leader of our country. This is not reality. Take the Presidential campaign for example. Since Ross Perot there have been many candidates for each election. He sort of made it possible for other parties to run. But, do they really have a fair chance? The Democrats and Republicans both receive Federal tax money to put toward their campaigns, no other party does. The Democrats and Republicans are often the only two parties allowed to participate in debates.

We are controlled by these two parties and as long as we continue to do things the way we have done them we will continue to get the results we have always gotten. As long as we continue to allow our Congress to pass laws allowing themselves to approve their own raises, allow our government to outsource the manufacturing of some of our most crucial defense weapons to Communist countries, allow our government to make deals with Arab countries to monitor our six biggest ports we will continue to face the same issues we face today.