What Is Your Reality
For years I have heard various people after having returned from and enjoyed a great vacation, an inspiring talk with friends concerning future hope of fulfilling their fondest hopes, dreams and desires, future potential etc. end their conversation with, "Well, back to reality!"
Have you ever shared with someone some of your fondest hopes and dreams, I mean really poured your heart out to them explaining in detail what it is that you would just love to accomplish or experience and have the conversation end with this dis-empowering statement?
Do you allow yourself to engage in or be exposed to such limiting and destructive dialogue? Have you bought into the idea that in reality life is designed to be endured rather than enjoyed and that only the "Lucky Few" are enabled to acquire and enjoy the many luxuries available. Have you conceded to a reality picture of continuous struggle and settling for just "getting by" in the various areas of your life?
If so I have some exciting, eye opening and empowering news for you.
The real truth concerning reality, YOUR reality, is that it is and will continue to be whatever that you perceive it to be. Let me put it another way. Your reality picture, the experiences that you encounter from day to day in your life are a direct reflection of what you perceive and believe reality to be. Do you doubt that?
Let's take a look at what might have happened or not happened had that been the attitude of some of the greatest inventors and explorers in history.
Think for a moment if Christopher Columbus had allowed his mind to settle for such an attitude. Consider if you will what might have happened if Thomas Edison had allowed himself to get caught up in this way of thinking. What might have been or not been if the Wright brothers had allowed themselves to be affected by the outside influence of these pessimistic types? I could mention thousands whose contribution to the world if not followed through on and who might have "gotten back to reality" would have you experiencing a far different world than what you are able to experience today.
What is the difference between these shapers of history and you? Did they not have 2 arms and legs, a mind, and a physical brain just like you? Were they not just mere men? With that being the case what sets them apart from the rest of the worlds population? Quite simply, their reality picture consisted of their ability to create and do what others had not previously done. Their perception of what was possible is what empowered and enabled them to act on and achieve what is now considered and remembered as some of the greatest discoveries in the history of the world. And so it came to be.
Had these forward thinkers allowed their minds to conceive such incredible creations and then suddenly, due to a constricting and limiting internal reality picture thought, "Awe, that's just a pipedream. Oh well back to reality" the world would not enjoy and experience many of the things that it currently enjoys. Reality, YOUR reality, just as it was with these forward thinkers of past history, is and will continue to be precisely what you perceive, allow and enable it to be.
Sadly, the "Perceived reality" of the majority is much more constricting and limiting than REAL reality. The "Real Reality" is that you were created in the image and likeness of the Creator, whatever you may perceive that to be. You possess the ability to achieve whatever you can conceive. Real reality is not based on any form of lack and limitation, doubt, fear, and anxious moments. These are only perceptions, life draining and disempowering illusions of those who don't fully understand and grasp the limitless potential that they have been provided and have the ability to fulfill if only they would shift their perception of what their true reality consists of and enables them to accomplish.
If you believe that money is hard to come by and that you must work hard long hours at a job that displeases you to earn what you need for survival, your reality picture will reflect exactly that.
If you believe that the relationships that you are involved in require constant work in order to remain healthy, your reality picture will reflect exactly that.
If you believe that your health is determined only by hereditary conditions and you fear acquiring an ailment or disease that has been passed down through your ancestors from generation to generation your reality picture will reflect exactly that.
Your experience in the external world is merely a reflection of and in direct proportion to the continuous internal dialogue that you allow to go on within you. To change your reality in the physical world, you only need to change your perception of what reality is.
You are a creator of circumstance. Your reality picture in the external world is created and only limited by what you believe to be true. Your outcomes in the external world are a direct reflection of the internal thought processes going on within you. That is the REAL reality. Modern day science has proven it and spiritual teachers have taught it for thousands of years. Contrary to the beliefs of the mass majority, you are not a victim of circumstance but instead a creator of circumstance. You are not the victim of a series of capricious circumstances which appear to just happen from minute to minute but instead the creator of each and every event, condition and circumstance that happens in your life.
You, whether you choose to believe and accept it or not are personally and directly responsible for the outcomes in your life. Your thoughts, beliefs, and emotions of the past are being lived out and experienced by you in the present. If you choose to begin to change that which you currently find unpleasant then it is necessary to change the inner workings within yourself which are attracting them and manifesting them in physical form.
Regardless of what you may currently perceive reality to be the REAL REALITY is that you can Be, Do, and Have anything that you choose to create for yourself. The life that you are currently experiencing and the life that is available to you is under your control. You only need to learn to properly utilize the free will that has been provided to you and choose to create a different reality for yourself.
How exactly do you do that? The first major step is changing your mind regarding what reality is.
I fully understand that what you may have been taught throughout your life may seem to conflict with this truth. If that is the case with you then I strongly encourage you to begin seeking out for yourself the real truth concerning who you are and what you are capable of becoming. By doing so you will soon discover the life enhancing power that this truth holds. Your life as well as your current circumstances will shift dramatically and you will finally become empowered to create the life that you dream of experiencing. Shift your perception of reality and your reality will change. What you perceive truth to be on the inside is precisely what you will experience on the outside.
Discover the truth concerning who and what you TRULY are. Develop an understanding of the unwavering process of creation and begin to plant the seeds that will grow into your most sought after and deepest desires and you will begin to experience and reap the rewards of your newfound power.
Fear is an illusion. Limitation is an illusion. Lack is an illusion. They only exist and persist because you enable and allow them to. Your perception of them and focus on them is what feeds them and allows them to grow. Abundance is all their is. What are you experiencing an abundance of?
What do you perceive your current reality to be? Whatever it is I can assure you that 100% of the time without fail that your current experiences in life are and will continue to reflect precisely that. If you are not currently experiencing abundance and happiness in each and every area of your life, change your perception of what reality is and you will change the events, conditions and circumstances that you are currently experiencing.
Develop a deep and unshakable belief in this inescapable truth and you will have discovered your ability to change the entire course of your life.
Are you TRULY ready to change the circumstances in YOUR life? Begin right now to develop the self awareness of determining for yourself what your current inner reality picture consists of. If you need any assistance in determining it, observe the current events, conditions, and circumstances in your external world.
By doing so you will have a vivid and crystal clear answer to the question........
There is More to Life Then News, Weather and Sports My Friends
Not long ago a retired news anchor reminded me that the news is just what it is and nothing more, it is a pretend world of carefully chosen events making up a created reality, one which straddles between the status quo of perceived realities and current trends that are or interest or ironic in nature. But what is news really? And why do we put news personalities at the top of our celebrity lists?
The reason I ask is I met this gentleman in the Jacksonville Beach area, if you are familiar with the area, I was in Ponte Vedra Beach Country Club. The older gentleman was an older National TV Anchor Man, one I did not recognize, he was very surprised I did not recognize him or his name. We both decided it was because it was before my time. He was apparently quite famous in the 60s and 70s and said that my parents would surely know his name and told me to ask them.
Now we find a dear friend to many and TV Anchor man has died named; Tim Russert. It seems we have elevated his status in our minds because he is familiar and on our TV Sets always interviewing famous people. Many say he as a great reporter, but why do we see greatness this way. I mean there are several "Great Accountants" but they never get the same notoriety or fame? Why is that? Because they are not on TV talking to the rich and famous?
Do we assume that those who are reporters, TV Anchors or news celebrities to be better than all of us? Because if we were in the same profession who is to say we might not have done a better job or had better observation skills. Tim Russet appears to be a genuine nice guy from all the reports on TV about him after his very young and tragic death, but think how many other people died that week in the US and we didn't even hear about them, while Tim Russert had countless hours of coverage for more than a week.
Costanza Theory Applies to News, Too
One of the all-time great Seinfeld shows is an episode in which fictionalized character George Costanza (played by Jason Alexander) and Jerry Seinfeld meet with NBC executives to pitch an idea for a new television sitcom.
George's concept is that the show should be about "nothing."
That, of course, is what most people think the real Seinfeld television series was all about, a show where the humor was found within the idiosyncrasies of the characters, and not so much in an underlying storyline. Entire shows were centered on the characters going out to dinner or to the movies.
In one episode, George proposes his idea for a sitcom to NBC executives, and when he's pressed by the network President to describe a typical storyline, George remains adamant that the show is to be about "nothing."
Finally, the network president rhetorically asks that if there's no storyline, "why am I watching?" George replies, "Because it's on TV."
The President responds, "Not yet", but George's theory that people will watch, "because it's on TV", isn't far off the mark, and it's being played out in real life every day on 24/7 cable news networks.
There was a time when most of the country lived on farms or in rural areas where there were plenty of chores that needed to get done and those things took up a lot of family time. They were necessities, not leisure activities, and they had to be done every day.
Those included shoveling coal into the furnace, clearing the driveway after a snow storm, feeding livestock, mending fences, maintaining the house and property, and preparing family meals, mostly from scratch. These things consumed large portions of the day, and there wasn't much time for television.
With the advent of progress, things are different today and while everyone seems to be on the "go", in reality there is a lot of downtime for most families. Lifestyles are centered inside the home and the focus is on home entertainment and not so much being outside with chores.
A majority of people now live in suburban style neighborhoods and communities, apartments and town houses, where maintaining a small plot of grass or garden is considered a major weekend project.
In a world of 194 countries and 7 billion people (310 million the United States) there is an overabundance of people, protests, governments, sports and entertainment, pop culture, and political activities. This is a gold mine of world "nothingness" for cable television and news media outlets to report on, and beam into homes 24 hours a day.
We are continually being told that political demonstrations in the state of Wisconsin or elsewhere are just as relevant to people who pay taxes in Pennsylvania, Maryland, or South Carolina.
The same thing can be said about the ongoing rebellions in the Middle East. While the United States consumes only a fraction of Libya's oil production (2 percent) we are constantly being bombarded with dire consequences if the civil unrest isn't resolved soon and in a certain way that benefits the U.S.
All this makes for great television and it's produced in "game day" style so we can easily keep score and determine who is up and who is down in each circumstance.
This electronic entertainment process knows no bounds, making it very difficult to remember last week's news event, or the lasting impact it was reportedly going to have on our daily lives.
History has shown that we will survive every catastrophic event, and the effects of the hype are usually more disconcerting than the ultimate result and reality. We also know that another major news event is right around the corner.
The essence of Seinfeld is there's not much new going on in everyday life that will make us laugh - the humor lies in the actions and reactions of the characters in those routine circumstances.
Fictionalized character George Costanza theorized that people will watch a sitcom "because it's on television", and in his mind, that was reason enough for NBC executives to accept his idea for a show.
Altering the Command Station of Reality
Let's break down reality. You're in your car and the radio is playing. The song that's playing is by no means your favorite...in fact you pretty much hate it. The sound that you're hearing is REALITY. You'd be stupid if you took a hammer and started beating your speakers because you didn't want to hear the song anymore. The speakers have nothing to do with the selection of the song that is playing. The sound you are hearing isn't the problem either. It is only the effect of the signal from the station the radio is tuned to. To change the song, you change what station you're tuned to.
The physical is only a reflection of what's going on in our brains, so reality is only an effect of our conditioning. Why is it that someone who is very successful can lose everything he has, to the point of being homeless, and still gain it all back? Yet he that is unsuccessful can't seem to get anywhere? Notice they both may be homeless. It's their conditioning...their mindsets.
The good news is that change is completely possible, even though it is difficult and takes time. The bad news is that most people will choose not to do anything about it because it's unfamiliar territory. Of course it is. There's a mechanism in the brain called the psycho-cybernetic mechanism, that is responsible for keeping you on track to what you believe is safe. Here's the key: The brain only let's us see what our conditioning is looking for. It's the way the brain is designed. It can work for our desires, or against them.
The first step in changing your reality is to create a dream. Then, the objective is to make this dream a goal, because real goals are a point of destination for our brains. To do this, you must get very clear on your dream. Figure out exactly what you want, how many, and how you want it. Figure out also what you're willing to give in exchange for this dream. You must be very exact because the brain operates only on super precise direction. Write it down. All of it. There is a scientific reason for that too.
Now you have come up with the dream. To better understand how to set it as a goal, understand that something that is "SET" or a "SETTING" doesn't vary. It doesn't change, but stays fixed on its position. The thing you are aiming to set, is your determination. It must be set so strongly that there is no chance that it can shift from its mark. This is regardless of the person, circumstance or thing that may try to get in the way. Only then is something a goal.
This has now become a declarative goal and is part of explicit memory system, which is part of the conscious mind. We need to move this goal to the implicit memory system, part of the subconscious mind, because that's where our conditioning is.
Your ability to focus on this goal every morning, throughout the day, and at night before bed, is part of how this transition happens. The thoughts that you focus on consistently and with feeling, begin to get imprinted onto the subconscious mind. You must pretend like you already have your dream. By pretending, we access this area of the subconscious mind.
Feelings/emotions are particularly strong existing neural networks on your subconscious mind, that when activated, they become "sticky" and allow content within you thoughts to be more readily accepted.
It takes an average of 30 days just to START changing our conditioning. The establishing of a new programming, or conditioning depends on our ability to focus on and feel our dream. If at any point during this process we give up, we must restart.
Success is only mastered, when we have mastered the ability to overcome our own negative influence upon ourselves, with positive reassurances of our dream. Then the threshold is removed from the firing pattern of these neurons, and your achievement is unrestricted.
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