Altering the Command Station of Reality

Let's break down reality. You're in your car and the radio is playing. The song that's playing is by no means your fact you pretty much hate it. The sound that you're hearing is REALITY. You'd be stupid if you took a hammer and started beating your speakers because you didn't want to hear the song anymore. The speakers have nothing to do with the selection of the song that is playing. The sound you are hearing isn't the problem either. It is only the effect of the signal from the station the radio is tuned to. To change the song, you change what station you're tuned to.

The physical is only a reflection of what's going on in our brains, so reality is only an effect of our conditioning. Why is it that someone who is very successful can lose everything he has, to the point of being homeless, and still gain it all back? Yet he that is unsuccessful can't seem to get anywhere? Notice they both may be homeless. It's their conditioning...their mindsets.

The good news is that change is completely possible, even though it is difficult and takes time. The bad news is that most people will choose not to do anything about it because it's unfamiliar territory. Of course it is. There's a mechanism in the brain called the psycho-cybernetic mechanism, that is responsible for keeping you on track to what you believe is safe. Here's the key: The brain only let's us see what our conditioning is looking for. It's the way the brain is designed. It can work for our desires, or against them.

The first step in changing your reality is to create a dream. Then, the objective is to make this dream a goal, because real goals are a point of destination for our brains. To do this, you must get very clear on your dream. Figure out exactly what you want, how many, and how you want it. Figure out also what you're willing to give in exchange for this dream. You must be very exact because the brain operates only on super precise direction. Write it down. All of it. There is a scientific reason for that too.

Now you have come up with the dream. To better understand how to set it as a goal, understand that something that is "SET" or a "SETTING" doesn't vary. It doesn't change, but stays fixed on its position. The thing you are aiming to set, is your determination. It must be set so strongly that there is no chance that it can shift from its mark. This is regardless of the person, circumstance or thing that may try to get in the way. Only then is something a goal.

This has now become a declarative goal and is part of explicit memory system, which is part of the conscious mind. We need to move this goal to the implicit memory system, part of the subconscious mind, because that's where our conditioning is.

Your ability to focus on this goal every morning, throughout the day, and at night before bed, is part of how this transition happens. The thoughts that you focus on consistently and with feeling, begin to get imprinted onto the subconscious mind. You must pretend like you already have your dream. By pretending, we access this area of the subconscious mind.

Feelings/emotions are particularly strong existing neural networks on your subconscious mind, that when activated, they become "sticky" and allow content within you thoughts to be more readily accepted.

It takes an average of 30 days just to START changing our conditioning. The establishing of a new programming, or conditioning depends on our ability to focus on and feel our dream. If at any point during this process we give up, we must restart.