American Idol and All of the Other Crazy Reality Shows We Become Hooked On

Since day one of American Idol, fans of America have fallen into the ever popular schema behind one of many reality TV series: Road Rules, Survivor, Big Brother House, The Bachelor, and The Biggest Loser are a just a few on the tip of the iceberg. Why do we become so enthralled with these shows? In large part, we are becoming a passive society full of couch potatoes rather than the "do-it-yourselfers" that we used to be. Here are some great tips to help you turn off the tube and become active in your own reality.

After a long hard day at work, one might really be tempted to kick back and relax to the evening news with a cold one, but that one show slowly seeps into two and three and more as we become enticed by entertaining commercials of the ever suspenseful reality show. A good suggestion to those prone to couch vacuum scenario might be to read the news paper rather than turning on the power to the television. In order to keep in touch with what might be going on in your favorite series, read print relative to the reality television shows such as TV Guide and others like it.

Setting a time limit might also help some to remove themselves from the clutches of the black box, although sometimes that is not enough. Planning events that you look forward to around your television time might be enough to get moving. If you can do so effectively, try multitasking while you are watching a show. Then the televisions don't seem to drain the hours from your day as fast. Great time to flip on the tube as background can be found in times while cooking dinner, folding clothes, or picking up the family room.

No matter what measures you take to ensure you are being an active part of your own reality, remember that keeping touch with the loved ones around you are the true acts that make life worth living. Sitting down to an hour show on your own will not have the same meaning as doing so as a family.